you can either get it for free 'download it here' or leave a donation for their hard work and you'll get a signed cd.
it contains 9 tracks and 1 bonus item.

if things could have been different these past few months. What would have happened if I had done my own thing and gone at my own pace instead of pushing myself to my breaking point. If I could have been healthy and getting healthier, instead of constantly having to stop myself because my body wasn’t well enough to do the things that I was trying.
I am so tired of wanting to go full out, trying to work my hardest, but constantly having to hold back. I just want to do things with the passion and energy that I have bottled up inside of me again.
But I can’t do that now, because I was reckless, trying to prove to people that I could do something right. Trying to show my worth, and make someone proud of me.
I don’t regret all of it, but was all of it worth going through what I had to? Was it worth losing all of that time that I could have spent doing what I loved? Or did it actually help me to get back on my feet again? (only to be pushed over later.)
Sometimes I wonder if things could have been different.
But I know that God did these things for a reason. Though I may not understand, he knows better than I ever will.
All I can do now is try my best to get started again, and pray that I can return to doing what makes me happy.
Please listen to me.
Don’t ever let anyone push you to the point where you break. You know your own mind, you know your own body. Listen to the signals that your body gives you, since you’re the only one who can hear them.
You can’t always please everyone, so choose to do the smart thing instead of the reckless thing, because it could end up hurting you for a longer time than you anticipate.