Thursday, September 8, 2011


very ancient days. I switch my tv channel trying to found what was interesting tv program, and I found out tv program that televising a girl who I'm going to tell you about the girl.
from that day I know this girl, I always waiting in the same channel hoped that showing the rerun.
till I forgotten about her for a long time.

around a couple of months ago I re-remembered her
so everyday, the whole day long chockablock everything about her
I always typed her names in google

I have a thought I'm simply on reserve for the one who really deserves to have my heart. so I think she does either

I wrote on my dream book in one's sober senses hope can meet her directly, be a good friend, and be mine at last this year or the following year.

I'm pretty sure on what I've written cz I'm pretty sure she is the spesial one

i got a quote from movie I watched yesterday "it is very easy to get the girl you want, if u have the sincerity -hello ghost"

yap "a ingenuousness"

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