Thursday, March 29, 2012


baru menyadari suatu hal, dan akan gw share disini. Jadi dulu saat Amerika dipimpin oleh presiden John F kennedy. Amerika mempunyai suatu ambisi untuk menerbangkan manusia pertama ke bulan, sedangkan untuk perjalanan ke bulan mulai dari persiapan sampai akhirnya bisa sampai di bulan dan balik lagi ke bumi memerlukan biaya yang luar biasa besar. Pro dan kontra pun muncul saat itu, karena dengan biaya tersebut bisa digunakan untuk banyak hal seperti pendidikan, infrastruktur, kesehatan, dll. Memang untuk siapapun kondisi seperti ini sangat sulit dan memerlukan pemikiran yang jernih untuk melihat mana yang lebih menguntungkan dan bermanfaat bagi orang banyak. Pada akhirnya Amerika memutuskan untuk tetap menjalankan misi besar itu dengan mengirimkan Apollo 11 pada bulan juli 1969, papa bilang ia masih belum sekolah saat itu.

lalu apa manfaat dari hal tersebut?

manfaatnya adalah Apollo 11 yang telah mendarat selamat di bumi pada saat itu, telah berhasil membawa  mimpi dan harapan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya hidup kembali. Membuka mata setiap orang bahwa segalanya mungkin, membuat orang lebih semangat untuk menjalani harinya. Membuat generasi penerusnya memperjuangkan mimpi untuk bangsanya, dan yang pasti menjadi inspirasi bagi hampir semua orang di dunia ini.

'bila anda menggunakan uang untuk memerangi kemiskinan, itu memang mulia. Tetapi sangat sering anda hanya bekerja di pinggir-pinggir. Bila anda mengirim menusia ke bulan, anda mengilhami kami semua untuk mencapai potensi maksimum sebagai manusia dan dengan itulah masalah-masalah terbesar kita pada akhirnya akan dipecahkan.' -Randy Pausch

Friday, March 23, 2012


when I was doing my friday pray together with my father, like us there were a father and his son who is still under five years old didn't get a place. Yap because today is national off-day that mosque is definitely fulness. so the father asked his son to pray next to me, and he was pray behind us because there was no place anymore. so this little kid was so smart, he knew how to pray correctly. I imagine him as my kid in the future, how will someday I bring little Dipo with me to perform friday in the mosque and he sits beside me and I teach him the correctness of pray, and we do together listen to sermon. ahh I know it will be great.  


I read the last lecture by Randy Pausch a month ago. Randy taught me a lot about life and how to face it. he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2006 and in 2007 doctor said his life was 3 or 6 months left.  I think it's enough to tell you about him. you can read it directly yourself, and you must!

I've sworn to stop expressing what I feel, no matter how patheticat I am, instead I quote Randy

    "If I don't seem as depressed or morose as I should be, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path, and that will make all the difference.
                                                             -STEVE JOBS- 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I bother head about the header of this blog this noon
I had a few headers to display, but all of them looked nice for it
it took me a long time to choose the finest one haha
yeeayy I begin to like Java and stuff since I've cut down on my tweeting
I open twitter if only I need to open it and probably on the weekend.

I quote these words below from Dochi

if it's up to me i will punch everyone who talks shit behind my back right in the face.
if it's up to me i will say it loud to their faces 'this is my life why dont you live your own!'
if it's up to me i will do whatever i want without even worry about the concequences.

but if i do all of the above, i'm nothing more than a brainless retard
i'm more than that

why dont you try for yourself; stop talking and start doing something?
because you gotta start somewhere, kid

i'm making an example that you can be whatever you want if you try hard enough
you can get whatever you want

there's always a way

the only things that i regret are those that i didnt do

i know that there's still a bunch of people who believe in me

and that's what makes me keep going

and going

and going

and going


and furher

and furher

and further.

because a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do

see ya

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Hai everyone how's your weekend going? kindly have a look at video above. it's Stelladeora's EP trailer. ahhh I can't wait for their EP to come out. it's gonna be awesome!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


 I was looking for the Iron Lady at dvd stores and I found a movie played by Tom Hanks called Cast Away and I bought it hehe but I couldn't find the Iron Lady. I really want to see it at the cinema, but I can't cz my country won't play it. since I was a kid I've always wanted to watch Cast Away in tv but when tv played it I never watched it completely haha. I watched it exactly after I just got home, and it made me open my eyes widely and extend gratitude to Allah.

Chuck Noland: One day logic was proven all wrong because the tide lifted, came in, and gave me a sail. And now, here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have *ice* in my glass. And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I have to keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?  

Crash Land by Twin Atlantic

Crash Land

So I cant find you ,
Just as things were looking up
We're Stuck

Don't Panic!
Because I'm Left without Food.
Just as things were heating up
I should have told you that your good enough.

Cause I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside

Crash land
So I cant find you ,
Just as things were looking up
We're Stuck

Don't Panic!
Cause there's nothing here to fear
Just loose imagination or luck

Cause I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside

I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside

So I cant find you ,
Just as things were looking up
We're Stuck

Don't Panic!
Because I'm Left without Food.
Just as things were heating up
I should have told you that your good enough.

Cause I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside

Crash land
So I cant find you ,
Just as things were looking up
We're Stuck

Don't Panic!
Cause there's nothing here to fear
Just loose imagination or luck

Cause I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside

I'm stuck here on this island
And I've lost her all over again
Nothing gets better than memories
When all you have are memories for friends.

I went searching when the lights went out
and i went searching when my flight went down

I'm alone and I cant go without you
Drive me back home I deserve to be rescued
I still have trouble with most days and nights
But still i have trouble with living my life outside
photo by me

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


“ Wanita-wanita yang tidak baik untuk laki-laki yang tidak baik, dan laki-laki yang tidak baik adalah untuk wanita yang tidak baik pula. Wanita yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik dan lelaki yang baik untuk wanita yang baik." (Qs. An Nur:26)

believe to verse above, be good and find  a spouse candidate better than you, insya Allah he/she will make u better your whole life. Amin ya Robbal Alamin. 

Friday, March 2, 2012


my brother got braces on his teeth today. He show off to me then I told him that it made him uglier and He will get much pain. but he didn't seem to care to everything I said to him. it's actually nice to make fun of him. I think when he is at school, he will show off to everyone and be the person who has the biggest smile that day.
compare to him I think I'm luckier than him cz I don't have the untidy teeth, just have two crooked teeth in the front side, one in the front right side and the other one in the front left side, I look like a Vampire.

I'm currently in the chase of scholarships, I still have a lot of things unqualified.
so I think it's never too late to qualify.
I need to improve my english, I need to fix my study result
So I adjure you to pray me to get a scholarship in the right time and it's the best for me.

thank you for reading.
photo by me

Thursday, March 1, 2012


                       You have all the weapons you need., Now Fight!
                                             -Sucker Punch-